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Chantel is a National Board-Certified Reflexology Educator and Practitioner, Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher in the Usui and Tibetan lineages and the creator of Intuitive Reiki: An Integrative Approach. She is also certified in Traumatic Stress Studies from Bessel van der Kolk's Trauma Research Foundation, as well as certifications in Mudra Therapy and massage therapy. Her ongoing goal is to empower people with holistic tools to care for themselves, each other, and their community.
Reiki is a powerful tool that is available to all. Reiki energy is within and around us; we need only learn how to harness, cultivate, and send it. Intuitive Reiki: An Integrative Approach will teach you traditional Usui Reiki, with an emphasis on integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts and various meditations to help you better execute Reiki protocols ranging from beginning to advanced. In addition to the traditional Reiki content, Chantel teaches her intuitive Reiki approach, which cultivates your innate intuition and teaches you how to develop your clair senses. You will learn about chakras, auras, spirit animals, and how to interpret messages from spirit, which are a key part of the intuitive Reiki practice. Whether you are on the journey to become a Reiki practitioner, using Reiki with your existing practice, or wishing to learn for self-care, you will be prepared after reading this book. This book is available on Amazon HERE. Book cover design by Jean Briceno.
Reflexology Protocols A-Z: A Comprehensive Guide to Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes, and Disorders is an easy-to-understand ebook in PDF format detailing the many conditions that may affect our clients. Included in this book are full-color illustrations of Chantel’s foot reflexology map, her toe reflexology brain map, and slides of all body systems. Also included are detailed explanations of all body systems and definitions of the difference between diseases, conditions, syndromes, and disorders, as well as the definitions, symptoms, types, and reflexology points to address for each condition.
This book is available in PDF book format for easy viewing and/or printing for a personal spiral bound edition. To order your copy click HERE. |
Something New Every Day is a thirty-day exploratory journeying guide and journaling experience to activate your mind and ignite your daily life with purpose and passion. Every day for thirty days, you are invited to open up to a chapter in any order and you will be asked to try something new.
Carving out time every day to do something unfamiliar will illuminate the parts of you that are open and the parts of you that are closed. Through taking the leap into the unexplored parts of yourself those stagnant places within you will free up and your connection to yourself, others, and the world around you will grow. May you feel stretched and strengthened and renewed. May you exit your comfort zone and enter the world with a fiercely open mind and heart! This book is available on Amazon HERE. Book cover design by Jasmin Garcia-Verdin. This book is also available in Spanish: Algo Nuevo Cada Día: Deja Que Tu Imaginación Vuele. |
Do you want to live a more balanced life but aren’t sure how? Would you like to restore your mental, physical, and emotional well-being but don’t know where to begin? Something New Every Day: Transformative Daily Self-Care Practices is a thirty-day exploratory journeying experience and journaling guide that teaches you simple acts of wellness that promote optimal health. Prompts like dry brushing, tapping, oil pulling, going plant-based, and laughing meditation are some of the health activities you’ll explore, propelling you towards a more integrated and well-balanced life.
Cheers to going all out and being the last one at the party. But what if in addition to your routine, habits, and stomping grounds, you also allowed yourself the opportunity to experience balance and calm? Imagine what could happen. May this book be a catalyst for you to enter a world of ultimate health and wellness. This book is available on Amazon HERE. Book cover design by Jasmin Garcia-Verdin. |